
Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness; Career planning;

(DE) Girl's Day / Boy's Day

28/04/2022, Cham Du bist Schüler im Landkreis Cham und möchtest am Aktionstag Girls’Day und Boys’Day am 28.04.2022 teilnehmen? Nutze die Gelegenheit, die Möglichkeiten deiner beruflichen Orientier... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness; Employability; Career planning;

(DE) ChamlandCareer Fachmesse

05/11/2022-06/11/2022, Cham Am 05.11. bis 06.11.2022 startet erstmalig die ChamlandCareer. Die Fachmesse ist für Unternehmen genauso wie für Stelleninteressierte oder Stellensuchende eine Karriere-... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness; Employability; Career planning;

(DE) didacta - die Bildungsmesse 2022

07/06/2022-11/06/2022, Köln Bildung hat viele Gesichter – die didacta 2022 zeigt sie alle. Angefangen mit der frühen pädagogischen Bildung über die schulische und akademische Laufbahn bis hin zur b... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness; Employability; Collaboration;

(DE) virtuell@Kassel BILDUNG

10.03.2022-11.03.2022, online Die Gesellschaft für Beratung, Information und Therapie an Hochschulen (GIBeT) e.V. veranstaltet zweimal im Jahr - im Frühjahr und im Herbst - eine Tagung für Studienb... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Labour market awareness; Employability; Career planning;

(DE) dvb Fachtagung an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Von der Kita bis zum Un-Ruhestand

15/09/2022, Oldenburg Gemeinsame Veranstaltung von Deutscher Verband für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung e. V. (dvb) Institut für Ökonomische Bildung an der Universität Oldenburg (IÖB) Hochschule d... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Employability; Career planning;

(DE) 16. ProfilPASS-Beratendentag in Nürnberg

12/09/2022, Nürnberg Am Montag, den 12. September 2022 findet der nächste ProfilPASS-Beratendentag in Nürnberg statt. Wir hoffen, dass wir dieses Treffen ohne Einschränkungen durchführen können und... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Employability; Career planning;

(DE) DIE-Forum Weiterbildung

27/06/2022-28/06/2022, Bonn Das DIE-Forum Weiterbildung 2022 findet am 27. und 28. Juni im Universitätsclub Bonn statt. Inhaltlich greift das DIE aktuelle Themen der Weiterbildung auf und knüpf... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения

(DE) Gut beraten im Jobcenter? Beratungsqualität als strategische Herausforderung für Führung, Fachkonzepte und Praxis in den Jobcentern

02/06/2022, Wuppertal Die Tagung wird vom Verein Beschäftigungspolitik: kommunal e.V. in Kooperation mit dem Bundesnetzwerk Jobcenter sowie dem Jobcenter Wuppertal durchgeführt. Programm der Ta... Научете повече

Publication Type: Call for papers
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Resilience;

(DE) dvb forum 2/2022: Call for Papers

31-03-2022, online Mit welcher Haltung und welcher Kompetenz kann die Bildungs-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung in diesen als krisenhaft empfundenen Zeiten für Ihre Klientel tätig sein? Im Kontext di... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Resilience; Problem solving; Communication and customer orientation;

(EN) Narrative coaching and guidance course in the Netherlands

25/04/2022 - 29/04/2022, Netherlands The consultancy company In Dialogue (Netherlands) invites all interested parties to take part in the course on narrative coaching and guidance that will take pl... Научете повече

Publication Type: Publication/ study / report
Държава: Finland
Адресирани умения
Career planning;

FI - Oppilaiden urasuunnittelutaitojen osaamisessa tapahtuneet muutokset 2012-2018 [Changes in students´ career management skills in 2012-2018]

Vuorinen, R., Nissinen, K. & Kettunen, J. (2021). Oppilaiden urasuunnittelutaitojen osaamisessa tapahtuneet muutokset 2012-2018 [Changes in students´ career management skills in 2012-2018]. In K. Lein... Научете повече

Publication Type: Project / initiative
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Career planning;

(DE) Workshops für ProfilPASS-Beratende

27/01/2022, online Das ProfilPASS-Team bietet eine neue, kostenfreie Workshop-Reihe für aktive ProfilPASS-Beratende an: In virtuellen Austauschforen stellen ProfilPASS-Expert/inn/en die Charakteris... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness; Communication and customer orientation;

(DE) Online-Beratung in der postdigitalen Gesellschaft

20/05/2022, Berlin Die Digitalisierung erobert zunehmend Felder, die bisher ausschließlich menschlichen Aktivitäten vorbehalten waren. Dazu gehört mehr und mehr auch das Beratungshandeln. Ist womög... Научете повече

Publication Type: Call for Papers
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Career planning;

(DE) Call for Papers: Josephine-Levy-Rathenau-Nachwuchspreis 2022

31/01/2022, online Um den Austausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis bei der Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung (BBB-Beratung) zu fördern, lobt der Deutsche Verband für Bildungs- und Berufsb... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Employability; Career planning; Communication and customer orientation;

(DE) Karriere Masterclass: Dein Coaching für mehr Erfolg und Erfüllung im Job

18/01/2022, online Du willst Dein Potenzial ausschöpfen und Deine berufliche Entwicklung zielgerichtet nach vorne bringen? In der Masterclass mit Karriere-Coach Doris Brenner bekommst Du in komprim... Научете повече

Publication Type: Event
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness; Employability; Career planning;

(DE) Fachkräftetag 2021 / Professionals Day 2021

06/10/2021, Cham Fachkräfte finden - gewinnen - binden Es vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem in den Medien nicht auf die zunehmend schwierige Situation bei der Gewinnung von Fachkräften und Auszubildend... Научете повече

Publication Type: Project / initiative
Държава: Bulgaria
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Employability;

(EN) ASSESS PLUS. Supporting Skills Audits in adult education

The European Framework of Competences provides a reference of competences in Skills Audits in Adult Education, using a common language to describe competences, skills, knowledge and proficiency levels... Научете повече

Publication Type: Project / initiative
Държава: Bulgaria
Адресирани умения

(EN) The Mental Health+ support students with mental health issues

The Mental Health+ is an Erasmus+ project that aims to develop governance and benchmarking tools for VET organizations so they can include and support students with mental health issues. The conso... Научете повече

Publication Type: Project / initiative
Държава: Bulgaria
Адресирани умения
Curiosity and inquisitiveness;

(EN) EMPOWER ME! support students with ADHD through interactive exercises for virtual coaching

The Erasmus Empower me Project, 2018-1-FR01-KA202-047991, funded with the support of the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Program, Key Activity 2 Strategic Partnerships is closer to the successf... Научете повече

Publication Type: Project / initiative
Държава: Bulgaria
Адресирани умения
Problem solving; Self-employment skills;

(EN) WINGS training program and serious games support the development of entrepreneurship in an international environment

WINGS training program and serious games support the development of entrepreneurship in an international environment The WINGS project, funded by the Erasmus + program, aims to stimulate the succes... Научете повече

Publication Type: Publication/ study / report
Държава: France
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Labour market awareness; Employability; Career planning; Resilience; Problem solving; Creativity; Self-employment skills; Collaboration; Curiosity and inquisitiveness; Communication and customer orientation; Leadership;

Covid-19: what impact on professional transition? Nouvelle vie professionnelle

Find here an article about the impact of Covid-19 on professional transition? This article is in french and has been written by Nouvelle Vie professionnelle. Find the article here: https://www.nou... Научете повече

Publication Type: Project / initiative
Държава: France
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness; Employability; Career planning; Creativity; Collaboration;

Games2Guide Project

Games2Guide is a European Erasmus + project coordinated by ONISEP (National Information Office for Education and Professions, France). This project gives young people and guidance professionals access... Научете повече

Publication Type: Publication/ study / report
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness; Employability; Career planning;

Gekündigt? So finden Sie Ihren Weg - Fallstudie des Havard Business manager

Der vollständige Artikel ist auf Научете повече

Publication Type: Self-help book about how to increase your self-convidence.
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Resilience;


How to increase your self-confidence. Научете повече

Publication Type: Self-help book about how to boost your willpower to reach your goals.
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Resilience;


How to boost your willpower The art of using your willpower wisely to reach your goals easier. Научете повече

Publication Type: Self-help book about how to find a job.
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Employability; Career planning;

Professionelles Bewerben - Von der Jobsuche bis zur Zusage

Manual for Jobsearch The book starts with the question "Which job would match my skills and personality and needs?", leads to the art of job-hunting to writing an application to performing and convin... Научете повече

Publication Type: Self-help book about how to keep on going on your career track beyond the age of 50.
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Labour market awareness; Employability; Resilience;

Durchstarten mit 50 Plus

Stay on your career track beyond the age of 50 It's not always easy to stay on track and keep pace with all the changes on the job-market when you grow older. Learn how to cope with redundancy. how... Научете повече

Publication Type: Self-help book about how to future-proof yourself for the job-market of tomorrow.
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Labour market awareness;


Future-proof yourself for the job-market of tomorrow Learn how to stay aware of the changes on labour market. Discover future job trends, future jobs and the skills they require. Научете повече

Publication Type: Self-help book on how to improve your willpower to reach your career goals and personal goals easier.
Държава: Germany
Адресирани умения
Self-awareness; Resilience;

Das Holiday-Prinzip

A roadmap for personal success Have you ever made a concerted effort to follow a study plan, pursue a hobby, eat more healthily, exer- cise more, get up earlier in the morning or find a new job? Ever... Научете повече

Publication Type: Expert Tips (useful articles)
Държава: Greece
Адресирани умения

Skills for Career Management

Would you like to know how the Career Skills Platform will help you improve your skills and enhance your employability? Check out this article and feel free to navigate in the platform! Научете повече

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